Windy Hill Sports Complex has a weekly coverage programs for ages 6-17 that recoil June 23 and zip through Sug. 25. The Brad McNeer Memorial meeting will boost rank at 9 a.m. June 22, and the charge to enter is $20.
A lower contest for girls will take place from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. July 29 and will comprise a clinic.
Girls ages 6-17 are appropriate and entries are restrictive to 50 players. The Jeff Haddix Memorial Junior Golf Classic will take possession of flat 8 a.m. Aug. 5. Information: (804) 794-0010. 16th Annual Jacob's Ladder Classic will be held May 15 at the Golden Eagle Course of Tides Inn in Irvington. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m., shotgun is at 12:30 p.m. Four woman team: preferred drive; each human plays own ball, two best scores reckon toward total. Information: 1 (800) 368-2870 or.
Hopewell Recreation and Parks is contribution a Monday forenoon major (55 and older) combination at Jordan Point Golf Club. League runs April 6-Oct. 26. Information meeting: March 30. Registration deadline: April 3. Frank Sturkey: (804) 458-7909.
Hopewell Recreation and Parks is holding a bowl along competition at Jordan Point Golf Club on April 24 at 1 p.m. Cost: $30. Registration deadline: April 10. Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, Inc. at VCU is looking for sponsors and players for a leniency tourney to further the Virginia Holocaust Museum on Aug. 14 at Providence Golf Club.
Information: Jonathan Howard (804) 929-6404 or. LACROSSE Richmond Shock is accepting set one's hand to ups for their indoor dropping lacrosse confederacy to be held at RISE. The unite has lifetime groups consisting of 11-13-year-olds and 14and 15-year-olds. Paul Ralph: (804) 339-7323 or.